
Friday, July 30, 2010

Bookworm Blues

Earlier Drafts:
I wear this white tank with practically everything.  Whether or not I should?  That's up for debate.
These oxfords make me feel like a bookworm while I take a break from formal studies.

white tank (Target)
grey slouchy sweater (Target)
black shorts (Old Navy)
oxfords (Steven Madden)

Happy Friday, folks!  I'm scooting out to run a few errands before my parents arrive for the weekend.  My first order of business?  Locate a bookshelf for housing the orphans of my beloved book collection.  We've nearly maxed out the shelf space in the rest of our house, and these libros  never made the cut since they were in constant use during my last year of graduate school.   They need a home before 9 p.m., stat.

I'm wearing these oxfords because I like them - or, I want to like them - but I haven't yet determined how to wear them.  For that matter, I haven't yet determined whether or not they suit my body.  I've tried pairing them with dresses, boyfriend jeans, leggings, skirts, and now shorts, in the hopes that I'll find a match sooner or later.  Even if they don't make me look good, they at least make me feel good.  With Liz and Katie gearing up for their teaching responsibilities, I've lately felt nostalgic for a classroom setting.  Finding a permanent home for my notebooks and school files doesn't help, for it reminds me that I'm putting my plans on hold for a bit.  As consolation, the ritual of lacing-up a pair of old school flats makes me feel like back-to-school is right around the corner.

Despite this moody little post, I assure you I'm feeling confident about my grad school decision and, especially!, proud that my house no longer looks like my college apartment got sick and threw up on a distinctly adult space.  On that note, let me introduce you to the wall behind me.  You might have known him as the formerly Confederate Blue partition of olde?  Well, he has been made-over in "Manhattan Mist," courtesy of Behr, and I must say it has been sending out some delightfully androgynous vibes ever since.

(My husband disagrees.  He interprets "Manhattan Mist" as a feminine shade and therefore misses Blue.  I'll let you be the judge.)

  • Will someone devise a wardrobe game-plan for me and these oxfords?  I want to like them for more than sentimental reasons, I really do.
  • What's your take on my mixing of grey, black, and brown?  Good attempt?  Poor attempt? Success?  OMG Never Again?
  • Tell us what you'll be wearing around town this weekend! 


  1. Know what...I'll be honest. I don't see any reason you need to like oxfords. I don't!

    I'm also petite, and looked similar to you when I was your age. I had a pair of nice brown sugar suede Bass oxfords/brogues that just never worked on me.

    Got to say, I especially don't like the trend of wearing them with skirts (or anything other than long pants with decent circumference around the ankle), 'cause...personally I think it looks awfully frumpy. This is one of those cases were I have NO problem ignoring a trend. (I also super dislike heeled oxfords...both these shoe types were pushed back in the 80s/90s, which is why we're seeing them again. And I say, why should we? Bleh.)

    Anyway...that's how I see that particular issue. It will probably be a dissenting opinion, but I figure as an academic you're used to those! :)

  2. I'm actually rather fond of this all neutral outfit, except for the oxfords. I think they need a longer short, and I'll disagree with Someone and say that I rather dig the skirt + oxford look.

    I will be wearing whatever random clothing is my small suitcase. The rest of my life is on an ABF truck somewhere in transit.

  3. I can applaud the effort to find the right outfit for the oxfords and I think this one works on you because you have slim & petite figure. I wouldn't try to pull it off myself, but maybe I'm still not recovered from the 90's-grunge offshoot style of prairie/babydoll dresses and Doc Martens. (I think you ladies are fortunate to have missed out on that. I rocked the Docs, but not with dresses. Anyway, that's what came to my mind because it has what I'm considering to be a similarly androgynous aesthetic going on.)

    If you're game, and when fall finally arrives, you could try to build an Annie Hall look from the ground up with those oxfords. A pair of Editor pants, white shirt, vest, plus a slouchy bag like the one you've got in those photos, and you've got a bookish look going on even just for reading in a coffee shop. Maybe add some fun jewelry to update the look instead of Diane Keaton's necktie?

  4. I have & love brown oxfords, and wear them with everything - including shorts and skirts. I haven't actually stopped to consider if they really work simply because I like the look so much... but once in awhile I do wonder if they look funny on my feet. My shoes have a bit of a pointier shape, and a thinner sole. Maybe it's just the shape of the shoe that's not working here? It's a fun look overall!

  5. I love a brown oxford and I think the only thing missing here is a pair of ankle socks. I know, I know, it can be a "young" look, but I also think that oxfords--because of their "cold weather" look--need socks. I recently tried on a pair of brown oxfords with a two-inch heel at a very fancy shoe store and the clerk (also very fancy) remarked on how well they went with my look, which included a short raincoat, a knee-length dark denim skirt and bright pink ankle socks. He pronounced me a "fascinating librarian" which isn't far off of what I am (if I do say so myself). I loved the shoes but they were out of my present budget.

    So, I say add ankle socks.

  6. I like the neutral mixing and think the outfit looks like a great summertime staple! I'm not so sure about the oxfords either, though. I scoured the internet looking for guidance last time you posted them, and though I like how you've paired them with pants before, I just think they look weird with bare legs. If I don't even like the look on Diane Kruger, which might be the first time I've ever disliked anything on her, I'm not sure I can offer any helpful advice.

    All I can think of are different shoes in your closet that would look great with the outfit. Like, your turqoise gladiator-ish flat sandals or your nude seychelles. Sorry. I know that didn't help. : )

