
Monday, July 19, 2010

Musings on a Shoe


Earlier Drafts:
I wore this skirt for my glasses confession.

white eyelet skirt (Express)
green t-shirt (Target)
green ruffled t-strap wedges (Steve Madden)

After reading Liz and Anne-Marie's posts on outfits that epitomized their personal style aesthetic, I planned to post mine today.  However, I'm cat-sitting, and in my haphazard packing spree, I neglected to bring the necessary skirt with me.  So I had to move my Tuesday outfit up a day, and I'll take some pictures of the quintessential Katie outfit once I've gone home to retrieve the missing piece of my personal style puzzle.

I am in love with this t-shirt.  It's stretchy enough to be super comfortable but fitted enough to hug the body in all the right places.  And at ~$7 it's pretty unbeatable.  But the real discussion point of this outfit is (what else?) the shoes. 

I came across these Steve Madden wedges at a discount shoe store near my house, where I got them for $20.  I love cheap shoe stores - think: Payless - because though you may have to wade through the muck, when you find something great, you get it very cheap.  I often find shoes for $20 or less, and the last time I paid more than $30 for shoes was when I bought the heels featured in this post, over five months ago.  I was willing to pay more for them because I had been looking for a good pair of patent leather Mary Janes, and these were 50% off.  Yes, there is something to be said for investing in quality, but frankly as a grad student, I'd rather get six pairs of cheap, cute shoes than one pair of really nice ones, which would still probably cost me more.

These wedges came in a multitude of colors, from this apple green to a deep raspberry to candy apple red to (insert next food related color) and back around to a basic black.  I don't have green shoes, so I thought I'd take these for a spin.  I've found that when shoes come in bright colors and neutral colors, I'm almost always drawn to the colorful ones rather than the safer neutrals.  This means that while I could make a rainbow from my shoe collection, I am lacking in basic shoes.  Sure, I have a set of basic pumps and slingbacks in both brown and black, but they're relatively old, and I could really use some more neutral variety.

  • Do you prefer variety (six cheap pairs of shoes) or quality (one nice pair of shoes)?  Does it change if we're talking about clothes rather than shoes?  What about jewelry?
  • Are you attracted to colorful footwear or do you gravitate toward neutral shoes?


  1. I'm a sucker for cheap shoes, but also willing to invest for quality. And like you, I go for color! My colorful shoes get more wear and make me feel happier when I wear them.

    Those green wedges were definitely a good buy!

  2. First off, you're doing one of my favorite things: mixing greens! So many people won't mix different shades of green together (I think it's because the human eye sees more shades of green than anything else, making differences between shades more apparent) - gorgeous!

    Second, as someone with alarmingly narrow feet, I've never been able to buy cheap shoes and gain versatility that way. I normally pay upwards of $100/pair with very limited options (I did the math once, and on Zappos 0.03% of the womens' shoes come in my size), so I don't have many. I'm also limited by the fact that I only wear flats.

    I always bought black, thinking they were more versatile, but it just left me with a (small) collection of black shoes. My mindset's definitely changing, and I'm excited to branch out into colored options. Sadly, since I maybe buy one pair of shoes/year, it'll take a while. But next on my list may have to be a green pair...

  3. Also, is it just me or should musings on shoes be called "shmusings?"

  4. Ah, here, we are opposites. I'm always quality over quantity with two exceptions: tops and accessories. And I favor neutral shoes to a fault-- I have been meaning to find a few bright pairs, but really I have just been hunting down the perfect nude wedge. I like these shoes on you, though, and for less than $20 I'd definitely consider a brightly colored shoe.

    More on this quality/quantity discussion tomorrow!


  5. I tried on those shoes! DSW, no? Love them. But it was during the semester; I went for practicality. :(

    Anywhere, they were good quality for a good price. Good find.

  6. Anyway, that is...sorry, it s 7:30 am...

  7. Seeing you in skirts makes my penis throb
